Thursday, August 25, 2011
It's been 4 months oh my!
Monday, April 18, 2011
6 Weeks already!
I can't believe 6 weeks has already gone by since I had Boston. He has already changed so much and I hate that this part goes by so fast. I just love a new baby. He is already smiling and cooing. The sweetest thing EVER! He is such a good baby. Only fusses when he is hungry and tired. I am so blessed because I don't know how I would handle two crazy boys and a really bad baby. He is so content and sweet which makes me love and adore him more. The boys can't get enough of him. They are constantly in his face giving him love and kisses. Which drives me nuts but it's still pretty cute. I am so looking forward to each day with this sweet, precious little baby.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
So much to tell!
Time for another update from the Bowman family. We have added to our little family since the last post. Our little baby Boston was born on Tuesday March 8th. We have had such a fun time getting to know him. Brennen and Bryson can't get enough of him, in fact it's getting a little annoying. They just can't leave him alone, always wanting to kiss him and love him. The poor little guy can't get a good nap with his brothers around that's for sure. I am doing great and love having a little newborn around again. I don't know what it is but i just love newborns. Their smell, soft skin, little toes and fingers, EVERYTHING about them. I couldn't have a whole bunch of them if Travis would let me. He is done already but not me! So here is what we have been up to this past month or so.....
Our 8th Anniversary
Just before I had Boston Travis and I celebrated our 8th anniversary. We celebrated by going to dinner and a movie but with a fun twist. We went to a new theatre called iPic Theatres in Scottsdale. I heard about it on TV so I thought I would surprise Travis and take him there for our anniversary. It was totally worth it too because it was AMAZING! We saw "Just Go With It" with Adam Sandler and Jennifer Anisten. The theatre had relining leather seats, blankets and pillows, our own waiter, free popcorn, and valet parking. We ordered our snacks before the movie and it came to us during the previews. Being 9 months pregnant, it was the best theatre experience EVER! I would recommend this place to anyone. We had a great time. I am so grateful for an amazing husband and excited for the next 8 plus years together. Love you babe!
Brennen t-ball party
Brennen finished t-ball and he had his end of the season party at Golf Land. He just loved that he got a really cool looking trophy and loved the cake. He is just like his Mom unfortunately. LOVES anything with SUGAR! He played really well and seemed to have a great time. I am sure we will sign him up again sometime.
Out with the old, in with a new SWEET MINI VAN!
So I am sure like a lot of you out there, I never thought I would some day be driving a mini van. But yes it's true I have given in to the easy in and out with the kids, the stow n' go feature, better gas mileage, remote doors, etc. etc. We are now proud owners of a Town and Country Crystler Mini Van. Yea for us!! But first we had to say our goodbyes to our cool, better looking ride, the Yukon. I will miss you so much. I will miss riding cool, now I am riding soccer Mom style.
Here she is. If I was going to ride in a mini van I had only one condition, it had to be black. So we waited an extra 4 months for a black one to finally come around. And we got it. Black just makes it looks so much better and not so lame, I think.
Just Dance
My sister's have introduced us to Just Dance on the wii. And we are now addicted. The boys love playing and are getting really good at it. I am hoping that it will help me lose a little baby weight too. We'll see. Here's us showing off our dancing skills.
Boston LaVon Bowman's Birthday
Boston LaVon was born Tuesday March 8, 2011 at 9:23am weighing in at a whopping 8lbs and 14oz and 21 1/2in long. What an amazing experience it was. My face says it all in one of the pics. Boston is such a special little man to us. We tried for almost a year for him to finally arrive. He was so worth the wait and the PAIN. I had a personal goal to have him all natural, no pain meds. And I did it! I can't tell you how proud I am of myself and so glad I did it. Pain and I don't get a long so for me to do this was a huge accomplishment for me. What an out of body experience it was. I look at him and can't be more in love.
Travis giving him his first bath.
The boys seeing him for the first time. So stinking cute, I got it all on the video camera.
Getting to know him and welcoming him to his new home.
Boston hanging out at home doing what he does best. He is almost 4 weeks old now and he is the best baby. I am so blessed to have this healthy little guys in my life. He sleeps good and only fusses when he is hungry or tired. I am so LUCKY!
Boston's New Born Pics
I had a ton of fun taking pics of my very own little new born. New borns are my favorite shoots to do and it was just even more fun with my own. Of course I took way too many and can't edit them all but here are all my favorites.
I had Travis' cousin Brittney Florence take some family pics for us. I love them! Thanks so much Brittney!
First swim of the season
On Monday of this week the new Skyline pool had their grand opening. Free swimming for a couple of hours. The boys have been so excited for it to open and every time we drive by they ask when they can swim there. So I just had to take them. Their so excited for summer to swim their little hearts out.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Keeping caught up, YEAH!
I am so proud of myself. I am really trying hard to keep this caught up. I am so sick of spending hours and hours with this blog. We have a great start to this year. I am due in to 2 1/2 weeks and just about ready for him to come. I got out all the baby clothes the other day and can't believe how small they are. I am super excited for Boston to come and to have a little baby around again. Brennen and Bryson are excited as well and I can't wait to see how they are going to be with him.
Monster Jam 2011
We took the boys to Monster Jam this year because of how much they love monster trucks. Bryson is a little more interested in it and he was just loving it the entire time. Brennen got a little bored after awhile but I think he still had a fun time. Especially since Grandpa Bowman came, they love spending time with him.
We had a great Valentines Day yesterday. Brennen made Valentines cards for all the kids in his class. He even told me he has a Valentine. Her name his "BaKenna" is how he says it. It was so cute watching him make her card, he was smiling the whole time.
Here is Brennen and his Valentine "BaKenna" MaKenna Bright! So cute!
My Materniy Pics at 36 weeks by Brittney Florence
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Bryson's 3rd Birthday Party!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011

My sister and I took the boys to the fair. I really wanted to take them and Traivs couldn't get there till late. So I took my sister a long to go on all the rides with the boys. They had a great time and so did I eating all the delicious fair food. I love it!