Monday, February 9, 2009


I thought I would post some of my feelings, thoughts, frustrations but I suck at writing and can't seem to write it out. I have re-done this post twice now and all I can get out is I AM FRUSTRATED!! I guess I am having one of those days but for me I should say I have been having one of those couple of months. I am soooooo busy, my priorities are way off, I am active in church but inactive with the Lord. I just can't seem to shake this bad attitude I have about everything. With all this my family has suffered. I am not being the best Mom I know I can be and really, really want to be, I am not being the best wife I can be, I am not doing a lot of things I should be doing and I HATE it!!! I feel like there is so much that I don't know where to start so I just let go longer and longer. Well I know this may seem a little out there but I just wanted to sit and get a few things out of my system. This isn't even a fraction of what I have been feeling but at least its a start.


The McNeil Family said...

Girl I know what you mean... I have been struggling too.. Now i am upset that we are not in the same ward anymore.. I feel sad for you, please let me know if I can do anything for you.. a couple of us girls have been walking in your neighborhood at night so maybe you can come catch a fresh breath of air with us and we can talk. We are going to do a girls night out very soon so maybe you can come..

larsen family said...

Life is hard and sometimes we get in a rut. Don't be hard on yourslef, the Lord knows we have times when we are worn out. He isn't waiting to hit you on the head for not being perfect. He loves you and knows your heart. Just talk to him and tell him how you feel even if it if the same thing every day, he will listen and I have learned that even in these times he understands. I love you and hang in there. I'm a good listener, so if you ever need to talk or want to come over let me know.

Unknown said...

Hey Tara I have felt like this myself a couple of times and the thing that has lifted me out of it was relizing the mercy of our Heavenly Father and the great love he has for us. God is very pacient with our imperfections and as long as we reconginze our faults and try to do better He will make up the rest through the power of the atonement (I highly suggest that in these times you study the power of the atonement and the meaning of it, it gives great hope). The feelings that you wrote in this post show that you are in the process of repenting and I think the next step is to let the healing power of our savior come into your life. (Again study the Atonement)